
Heehee! Everything you ever needed to know...


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This page is for the bios of the three stars. Done by Galadriel (I was busy drooling in Lij's gallery and looking for piccies for the other two) they are as good as they can get in this situation. There didn't seem to be much info!

This page'll have the best and most impor- er, largest array of details we can get our paws on, and it could well grow in time so keep an eye (or two) on it and see if it manages a few more details before long.
And btw.....Galadriel worked REALLY hard on this page. I feel sort of guilty over it now, I best go and update to rid myself of that horrible....guilty feeling...

well, two outta three ain't bad!

Hee hee! I feel so wanted...Arwen's being modest, she was the one who set this whole deal up! Anywho, has anyone else noticed that Mr Mortensen is practically a recluse?!! Obviously, no offence, but I spent hours trying to fill in his bio a bit more, but it just couldn't be done! *sigh* I'm such a failure...
Anyways, come on! The piccy above is pretty damn cool - obviously it includes Lij and Dom *swoon* but also Billy (just for you Arwen!) I tried, and once again failed, to find a nice pic of our three guys! I guess photographer folks thought them a rather unlikely combination ..... perhaps that's why Arwen and I pride ourselves so much on thinking them up!
Actually, it didn't take much thinking - they're all SO gorgeous (and pretty damn good at that acting malarky too!)
I hope this stuff is useful in your quests to be the number one fan of these dudes, if not - hey! I don't really care, it was fun for me!!!! *wanders off in her own happy little world*

I felt bad about leaving him out...ok?

The Viggo pic above is definitely worth the wait! Anyways, in closing, I thought I just had to mention a few things.

a) There are MILLIONS of Elijah Wood fans out there (and thousands of websites dedicated to him to prove it!) but he has been in the entertainment biz since he was a mere boy of about seven. In his early years acting he mostly portrayed the lead character's son but now, as he grows older, people seem to be finding out that he can indeed stand on his own two feet and support a leading role (take Frodo for instance).

b) Dom, though his fanbase doesn't seem to be as computer literate (there are considerably less sites about him) the ones there are have so much info it's untrue! He may not have as many fans yet, but the ones he has are every bit as dedicated as Lij's.

c) Dear Old Vig is a mystery! I've come across about three sites (and that's being very generous!) on him! But if you know more about him or know of a place where I can find out more about him, please email me! (look at the Contact page!)

As we find out more about each actor, I'm sure this page will grow - keep checking back!

aw, ain't that sweet!!!

Hey peeps, I hate to encroach on Galad's wonderpage here but we've come across quite a few pics that look kinda funny, what with the stars pulling poses and things, and as a result, we wanted to open a caption contest! The winner gets...er...recognition and a great big huggle (huggle's optional) and when we have enough winners and runner ups through time, we'll open a page of past winners. If you want to think up a caption for the charming piccie above please head to the contact page and send it in, with the topic "Caption Contest" on the email. \\\That sounds more complicated than it is.

Elijah's Bio

FULL NAME: Elijah Jordan Wood
NICKNAMES : Lij, Elwood and Monkey

DATE OF BIRTH : January 28th 1981
PLACE OF BIRTH : Cedar Rapids, Iowa

PARENTS : Warren and Debrah Wood SIBLINGS? : Older brother, Zachariah, and younger sister, Hannah

HEIGHT : 5"6 / 168 cm (same as me! yay!!! *~G~*)
WEIGHT : 163lbs / 11 stone 6 ounces

EYES : Blue (what else?)
HAIR : Dark brown

STATUS : Currently single (*a loud cheer is heard from all corners of the globe*)

Dom's Bio

FULL NAME : Dominic Monaghan
NICKNAMES : Dom, "The cute one next to Pippin" (er...no offense Billy, wasn't me that said it, some girl in the cinema -Arwen)

DATE OF BIRTH : December 8th 1976
PLACE OF BIRTH : Berlin, Germany

PARENTS : Austin and Aureen Monaghan
SIBLINGS : Older brother

HEIGHT : 5"7 (Officially dubbed "The Tallest Hobbit!)
WEIGHT : Unknown

EYES : Blue/Grey
HAIR : Brown

STATUS : Single (and apparently "always looking!" so girls, what are you waiting for???)

Viggo's Bio

FULL NAME : Viggo Mortensen
NICKNAMES : Dear Old Vig, Viggo - Dude! (oops, is that just me?)

DATE OF BIRTH : October 20th 1958
PLACE OF BIRTH : New York, America

PARENTS : I would hope that he has some, however, to me they are unknown

SIBLINGS? : Ditto to the parental situation I'm afraid

HEIGHT : Unknown
WEIGHT : Unknown

EYES : Green
HAIR : Brown

STATUS : Divorced (hey, if it's good enough for me, it's good enough for all of you!)
CHILDREN : One son, Henry, born in 1988

Yeah...afraid not much is known about Vig at all, at least not that we can find on the web. This is the best we..er...Galadriel could do, and I still think it's brill!